Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's been awhile...

School is back in full force and kicking my butt, so it's been awhile since I've posted. Whomever thought it was a great idea to put a teacher who won't be at school for almost 1/3 of the year in a new subject matter that is crucial for our state test scores.... Needless to say, I'm stressed. Any other year, I'd have loved the challenge and been up for it, but this year, I just feel completely overwhelmed. I just feel like I have this ticking time bomb that is my belly, and that this kid could come whenever, and that I won't have everything prepared and ready for my leave by the time she does. I don't know why I have this feeling she's coming early- I just do. Which worries me even more, because you know what they say about mother's intuition. I guess I don't mind if she comes a week or two early... but I'm terrified it will be even earlier. And the stress I'm under from my job isn't going to help that matter any!
Since work wasn't stressful enough... I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes this week. Joy. So, in the course of my insane day, I now have to find the time to eat two snacks at school, exercise at least 30 minutes (I've gotten a 15 minute walk in last night- I guess it's progress at least!) and just overall take better care of myself, because there is a direct link between stress and your body's ability to utilize insulin. I'm already having difficulty gaining weight, and getting yelled at by my dr for that. I just can't win!
Tell that to my boss. She had GD, and was "just fine" and I will be too... I love how she's my Dr and thinks she knows this. So, I've adopted a new mantra. I'm leaving work at 4pm. What's done, is done, what isn't, will get done later. I cannot continue staying there until 5 and 6 at night, and exhausting myself, even if that's what they're expecting of us this year. I physically, mentally and emotionally just cannot do it. And I hate to sound like the whiney pregnant lady who's using her pregnancy as an excuse- but you know what, if that's what I have to be, I will.
So, anyways, a few weeks worth of belly pics to wrap up my whine fest.

26ish weeks- I lost track of when I took this picture!

29 weeks- I really see no difference!