My first appointment with my new RE was on Friday afternoon. I would have updated this sooner, execpt for my lovely little son passed on his flu cooties to me, so I was laid out sick on the couch the past two days! At least I got through my appointment before getting ill.
So, anyways, apparently, I'm a high complexity case- at least that's what my copy of my bill says. That made me laugh a bit- I've always known I was complex, but had never really seen it on paper. It took almost an hour just to get in to see her (our appt was scheduled at 10, but we didn't go back until almost 11!) because they were behind, but, at the end of the day, I feel the wait was worth it, because we had almost an entire hour uninterrupted with Dr. Thie. We discussed my entire medical history, especially that of this past year and a half. She asked if we'd had any testing done to see why we have had repeated miscarriages. I told her that my OB didn't feel it necessary because of how different the two losses were. She said she was going to go ahead and do an RPL panel anyways, just to make sure that we rule anything out that could be trouble when I do get pregnant again. I like proactivity.
I brought up my concerns about not having ovulated on my right ovary yet. She said that she fully agreed that we need me to O on the right, but that two cycles on the left does not justify worrying just yet. If I don't O on the right within the next two cycles, we're going to re-evaluate. She was honest in telling me that because of my one tube, it probably would take longer to get pregnant. At least she's upfront about it, and doesn't try to sugar coat that fact like my OB does, trying to tell me, "Oh, but you can get pregnant from O'ing on your left!" Yeah, and I can win the lottery too, but that hasn't happend yet!
She was concerned that I had never been able to get a + OPK, even when I've tested on the day prior to O. She's wondering if I have a weak LH surge, which isn't going to help the whole getting pregnant thing much. So, this cycle is kind of a "test" cycle. We're seeing if the Met starts to kick in and help me respond better to the Clomid. We're seeing if I can catch a + OPK. We're seeing if I finally O on the right. The good news- she's not going to fool around with this more than three cycles. The next step- trigger shots to make up for the weak LH surge and make me O, possibly different drugs, maybe IUI. I'd really prefer not to have to go the IUI route, mostly because it would be a helluva lot cheaper for us to just keep timing our sex days! She didn't seem too concerned about DH's spermies- didn't want to run a sperm analysis just yet. That will probably be included in the next step too.
But she seemed confident that I will get pregnant soon. That confidence is good. It rubbed off on me a bit. I actually have some hope this cycle.
We also discussed my anxiety and depression issues lately. She brought up anti-depressants, but I just don't feel comfortable being on them while we're trying and if I get pregnant. I know there are some that are approved for use during pregnancy, but forgive me if I don't have full confidence in the FDA's version of "safe". Knowing how critical those first few weeks are to neurological development, I'd prefer not to take something that impacts that.
So, she brought up acupuncture. I've been doing a lot of research on it lately, and would like to at least give it a try. Steve, however, is reluctant, because of how much money he thinks it is going to cost. I honestly think he thought it cost like $600 per session! It's maybe like, $600 for a few months worth of sessions! I tried to pose it to him this way though- if I try it, and it helps get us pregnant quickly, we may have saved thousands in IUI and potential IVF. If it doesn't work, well, we're already in for a bunch of money anyways, so what's the difference at this rate? I love female logic- we can "make" a reason for anything! So, anyway, tomorrow I'm calling and making a consultation appointment. It feels good to actually DO something in this whole process other than take a pill or have sex.
On Giving Thanks in the Thick of It
9 years ago
I´m so glad to hear that your RE appt. went well. I was hoping you´d have a good report to post! I have my RE appt. tomorrow....Lelia