Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Force of the Dollar Tree

What is it about the Dollar Tree that makes it impossible to walk out without at least 2 cheapie pregnancy tests? Is there some unseen magnetic force that makes your hand reach out and put the tests in your basket? I know how slim my chances are this cycle, between O'ing really late, and on my tubeless, left side. But still, I torture myself by buying HPT's, and testing before AF comes, because, I am weak. I cannot resist the force. Apparently my Jedi training didn't extend into TTC. At least I'm only 7DPO, so maybe I can talk some sense into myself over the next three days. But then, it only cost a dollar....

1 comment:

  1. Did you know you can also get them at the Dollar General Store for a dollar?

    Yep. You can. Yep. Even though we're not actively trying I still bought two. Yep.

    I feel ya!

    Oh, btw, I found you! LOL, sorry for cyber stalking without telling you who I am!
