Since work wasn't stressful enough... I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes this week. Joy. So, in the course of my insane day, I now have to find the time to eat two snacks at school, exercise at least 30 minutes (I've gotten a 15 minute walk in last night- I guess it's progress at least!) and just overall take better care of myself, because there is a direct link between stress and your body's ability to utilize insulin. I'm already having difficulty gaining weight, and getting yelled at by my dr for that. I just can't win!
Tell that to my boss. She had GD, and was "just fine" and I will be too... I love how she's my Dr and thinks she knows this. So, I've adopted a new mantra. I'm leaving work at 4pm. What's done, is done, what isn't, will get done later. I cannot continue staying there until 5 and 6 at night, and exhausting myself, even if that's what they're expecting of us this year. I physically, mentally and emotionally just cannot do it. And I hate to sound like the whiney pregnant lady who's using her pregnancy as an excuse- but you know what, if that's what I have to be, I will.
So, anyways, a few weeks worth of belly pics to wrap up my whine fest.
26ish weeks- I lost track of when I took this picture!
29 weeks- I really see no difference!
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