Are all over my house! Not real ones though- Lily's nursery, as though it has a mind of it's own, has suddenly taken on a bird theme, and I'm loving it! The bedding is almost finished- all I have left is the bumper, and it won't take long- I just have to get the motivation to get it finished. The fact that it's almost August and I want the nursery finished by then so I can start focusing on school should be motivation enough, one would think. I've made a few things for the walls (though the inspiration was found elsewhere- I saw cute prints on Etsy, but they weren't the colors I wanted for the room, and I figured I could make my own!) as well as purchased some things. Really, I'm at a point where I just need to finish hanging things, and I'll be done! Yay!
Last post, I promised a 21/22w belly picture, so I'll post that first, then post what I've got so far for the nursery- those pictures are more "pieces" that still need to be put together as a whole!
21/22 weeks

One of the little birdies I appliqued/embroidered for the dust ruffle

Crib Skirt

Wall art for above the crib- this is the final product inspired by a print I saw on Esty. Steve helped with the branches- apparently, I have a difficult time making branches look "real", but he did a great job, I think! My husband is so crafty... This is the same scrapbook paper I used on the wall letters below.

Wall Letters- just scrapbook paper modge podged onto pre-cut letters- these are going to go on a white floating shelf above the bookshelf/dresser, flanked by two smaller shelves that have a small clear polka dot vase with a daisy in it (again, thank you Ikea!)

A bigger view of the birdies that are on the center panel of the bumper
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