I even went so far as to buy this awesome lampshade I found at IKEA, which would make a perfect little girl's room (and I might have to figure out a way to make it work for a boy's room, if it's a boy- we'll see!) and have started searching for fabrics that I could use to create bedding and decor. I'm probably tempting fate to give me a boy by doing this, I am aware, but I couldn't help myself! If all else fails, I can always return it!
In other news, I got a phone call from my assistant principal at school today, telling me that I'm being switched from the high school to the middle school. I have mixed emotions about this. I'll be teaching 8th grade Language Arts (one regular ed class, one intervention). I enjoy LA, it being one of my favorite subjects myself in school, but am a bit overwhelmed knowing the amount of information I need to cover, and how it overlaps instead of being nice and sequential like the Social Studies curriculum is! I'm also not too excited about the knowledge that I'll be spending 2 bells in a row with my students- It's a lot of time to cover what we need to accomplish, but it also presents some interesting challenges in maintaining student interest and in classroom management. I was also looking forward to the fact that I had much of what I would need for my social studies classes already prepped, and now, I'll pretty much have to start from scratch- not exactly a fun task when you're tired and pregnant. Too, I'll have to do quite a bit of advanced prep and planning so that when I go on maternity leave, the sub will have enough material to cover that time. So much for a relaxing summer... I have this feeling you'll be seeing me pouring over curriculum maps and textbooks, trying to figure out what I'm going to be doing next fall! I'm also really going to miss my high school kids on my caseload- I've developed a close bond with them, and, with some of them, I'm slightly concerned about the teacher who is moving from middle school to my old post in the high school. I know one student in particular, who's had a great year with me, had a really rough time with her in the middle school, and she'll be both his case manager and his teacher. Poor kid. I'm going to try not to be one of those teachers who get all pissy about change- it happens, they obviously see me as a better fit in the middle school for some reason, and I'll take that as a compliment to my talents and abilities (though I think it's more the fact that they don't like the above mentioned teacher!). I just have to readjust my vision of what next year was going to be like, and suck it up and deal!
Well, here's my "update" and most recent belly picture- I'm finally starting to look pregnant instead of fat!

How far along: Technically 17w6d, so 18 weeks.
Total weight gain: Am still at 196. Short of eating sticks of butter, I don't know what else I can do to start gaining weight. Oh well, if my Dr's aren't worried, I won't be either. We'll see what they say at my next appt if I still haven't gained anything.
How much does baby weigh: According to the Bump, I have a sweet potato growing in me. Aw, how cute!
Maternity clothes: Are heavenly!
Stretch marks: Getting tired of this question- just going to leave up this standard answer- had 'em for years.
Sleep: It's been hard to sleep the past few nights, partly because I got really sunburned this weekend. But sleeping in general is still not great. Guess my body's trying to get me ready for when this kid will be outside keeping me awake!
Best moment this week: Feeling a very subtle little kick on the outside while lying in bed last night- I was kind of pressing on my tummy, but I could feel a couple of kicks!
Movement: much more noticeable, but still not as often as I know it will be in a few weeks!
Food cravings: Spaghetti with butter and parmasean cheese. It wasn't nearly as yummy as it sounded once I actually made it and tried it.
Belly button in or out: Still an innie- never popped out with DS, so probably won't this time either!
What I miss: Getting an uninterrupted night's sleep. Good luck with that, I guess!
What I'm looking forward to: July 2nd! Can't wait to figure out what this little one is!
Milestone: No big ones as of yet!
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