All that said, in three weeks, I am ready for this kid to come whenever she is ready! I'm really voting on the she needs to come early end- Mommy needs a break from work. Maternity leave, while I know how much work a newborn is, seriously and truly looks like a beach vacation in comparison to my job right now.
I thought it'd be interesting to take a look back- I think this first pic is from 18w or so... the bottom one is from yesterday. Quite a change!

Total weight gain: 197. I was all excited at 20w b/c that's what I weighed. I'm the only pregnant woman in the world who cannot gain wait. I should be a freak show.
How much does baby weigh: I dunno. A couple of pounds by now, I'd imagine.
Maternity clothes: Had to buy some new ones- weather got too cold!
Stretch marks: Getting tired of this question- just going to leave up this standard answer- had 'em for years. Am over it.
Sleep: What's sleep again? Every time I roll over, I wake up b/c my belly hurts!
Best moment this week: Realizing just how close to the end I am!
Movement: Yep. She moves. A lot. It hurts.
Food cravings: Sweets, and in general, any food I'm not supposed to eat much of. Figures.
Belly button in or out: Still an innie, but it might actually pop this time. We'll see!
What I miss: Sleep. Being able to drink a whole bottle of wine to myself.
What I'm looking forward to: Meeting this little one!
Milestone: 34w- 3 weeks until I'm full term!